The Privacy Policy is part of the General Conditions that govern this Web.


Who is responsible for the data processing?

All the data provided by the Users in the different forms, information requests, newsletter registration, to contact you or to provide us with your Curriculum Vitae that you can find at will be incorporated and processed, both through telematic, computer and non-automated means, being responsible for such processing:


Tribeca Business Campus, Carretera de Fuencarral 44. Building 9, L-18. C.P. 28108 – Alcobendas.

VAT NUMBER: B80772502

Phone: 913295488

email: [email protected]

Who can provide us with data?

Access by Users to the website may involve the processing of personal data. By accessing our website, you declare that you are of legal age and that all the information you provide us with, whether mandatory to provide you with the service or information or additional information that completes your information and request, is true and correct. This information is provided to us voluntarily.

For certain data processing, we will ask you to give us your consent and for certain purposes, we will ask for your authorization through the activation of the specific validation boxes.

What data do we collect?

When you send us an information request, contact us via email or telephone, we respond to your requests, you send us your spontaneous job application, you contract our services, we may ask you to provide us with a series of personal data and information such as your name, surname, address, email, contact telephone number, among others.

How is the information and data you provide used?

SPORT STREET, S.L. will use the information you provide for the following purposes:

– Processing of user data to respond to your requests for information.

We will process your data to respond to your requests for information and contact you to send you information about our products and services, follow up on them.

The basis that legitimizes this treatment is your consent.

Your data will be kept for as long as your consent remains valid; once you voluntarily unsubscribe, they will be blocked for a period of 2 years and then deleted.

– Data processing for contracting services SPORT STREET, S.L..

We will treat your data, with your express consent, for the processing and contracting of products and services of SPORT STREET, S.L., as well as the provision of our services.

The basis that legitimizes the treatment is your consent; your data will be kept, once the contracted services have been completed, for a minimum period of 2 years; subsequently, after a process of dissociation, the information on services provided will be treated for statistical purposes.

– Data processing for communications of products and services of SPORT STREET, S.L..

We will treat your data, with your express consent, to send you communications of products and services of SPORT STREET, S.L..

The basis for legitimate processing is your consent; you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the end of all electronic communications or by written request, as described in the Rights section.

– Data processing for access to the application communications of products and services of the companies that make up the Group.

We will process your data and communicate it to the entities that make up the SPORT STREET GROUP (collected at so that they can send you information about products and services in the retail and general business services sectors.

The basis for legitimate processing is your consent; you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the end of all electronic communications or by written request, as described in the Rights section.

-Processing of candidates’ CV data.

We will treat your data, with your express consent, for purposes of participation in recruitment processes carried out by SPORT STREET, S.L.. The consent is given directly by the candidate by sending his/her data and Curriculum Vitae to the address [email protected].

The basis that legitimizes the processing is your consent; you may revoke this consent at any time.

– Contacts from or e-mail.

We will process the identification and contact data that the user provides when contacting SPORT STREET, S.L. by e-mail or telephone, as well as other data that the user includes. The data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • Respond to inquiries, requests or petitions.
  • Sign up and register as a User.
  • Manage the requested service, answer requests, or process requests.
  • Information by electronic means, related to a request.
  • Perform analysis and improvements on the Web, on the services of SPORT STREET, S.L..
  • Commercial information by electronic means, provided there is express authorization.

Our contact form has the * symbol in the required fields. If these fields are not provided, it will not be possible for us to answer the request and therefore, the form will not be allowed to be sent.

The basis that legitimizes the treatment is your consent, which may be revoked at any time.

– Social Networking Contacts.

The personal data available in the RRSS profiles, as well as those that the user provides to the Responsible when contacting him through this channel, will be processed for the purpose of:

  • Respond to inquiries, requests or petitions.
  • Manage the requested service, answer the request, or process a request.
  • Establish a user-responsible relationship, and create a community of followers.

In this case the treatment is based on the acceptance of a contractual relationship in the environment of the social network that corresponds and in accordance with its privacy policies, so it is advisable that the user consults them.

SPORT STREET, S.L. will only be able to consult or cancel the data in a restricted way by having a specific profile. These will be processed for as long as the user allows through the different interactions that each RRSS allows. Any rectification of data or restriction of information or publications, the user must make it through the configuration of your profile on the social network itself.

– Customer and supplier data processing.

We will process the identification, contact and billing data, as well as all customer/supplier data strictly necessary for the correct development of the contractual relationship, with the following purposes:

  • Budget preparation and follow-up through communications between the parties.
  • If you place an order for our products and services, or if you provide services to SPORT STREET, S.L., our employees, customers or partners as a supplier, we will process personal information for the purpose of completing the relevant transactions, as well as administering them (for example, by sending invoices and formalizing payments or delivery of the product or service), and properly managing the product or service ordered.
  • Information by electronic means, for the correct development of the contractual relationship or that may be related to the product/service object of the same, based on the legitimate interest of the responsible.
  • Invoicing and declaration of the appropriate taxes. The bank details will be used for the execution of the requested service, such as the payment/collection of a product/service.
  • Control and recovery management.

The legal basis is the execution or development of a contractual relationship, or otherwise the consent to contact us or offer us products. In case of not providing any of the necessary data for the correct development of the contract, we will not be able to proceed with the provision of the requested service.

Do we include personal data of third parties?

No, as a general rule we only process the data provided by the owners. If data of third parties were provided, it must be previously informed and request their consent to such persons, or otherwise SPORT STREET, S.L. will be exempt from any liability for failure to comply with this requirement.

What about data on minors?

We do not process data from children under 14 years of age. Therefore, please refrain from providing them if you are not of that age or, if applicable, from providing data of third parties who are not of the aforementioned age. SPORT STREET, S.L. disclaims any liability for failure to comply with this provision.

How and where is the information shared?

Unless the user authorizes the receipt of communications of products and services by the entities that make up the Group so that they can send you information about products and services, SPORT STREET, S.L. expressly informs you that it will only communicate the data to those agencies and entities of the Public Administration with competence in the matter in accordance with current legislation.

Personal data may be communicated to data processors necessary for the provision of the service, who will have signed a service contract that obliges them to maintain the same level of privacy as that of the data controller.

Security of your data

SPORT STREET, S.L. attaches great importance to the security of all personally identifiable information. Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure; therefore, we make efforts and allocate resources to improve our site every day and make the features we offer you more secure.

Once we have received your information, we have implemented security measures to ensure access, confidentiality, integrity and prevent any loss, misuse and/or alteration of the data under our control. For example, our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary and only authorized personnel have access to user information.

Navigation data

SPORT STREET, S.L. will only record anonymous data with respect to user navigation, in order to obtain statistical data on date and time of access to the Web Site, navigation, visits, use of features, downloads, views. In addition, in order to know the effectiveness of banners and links pointing to our site, we will also identify the link of origin of the visit. All information obtained is completely anonymous, and in no case could be used to identify a specific user nor is it possible to associate it with a particular person, it will simply serve us to improve the service we offer to our users.

We also inform you that while browsing and visiting the pages of SPORT STREET, S.L. we may use tracking beacons and cookies, which allow us to adapt our services and products to the preferences and interests of users and visitors. In the case of visitors to the site, the data provided to us by these tracking beacons cannot be associated with a specific person nor do they allow us to obtain a direct identification of the user.

Your rights and access to information

In accordance with current legislation, EU Regulation 679/2016, of 27 April, General Data Protection and with the Organic Law 3/2018, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, you have the possibility of exercising the following personal rights, providing reliable proof of your identity, either through electronic means (in the case of newsletters, communications and emails) or through written communication addressed to our Privacy Officer. Your rights are as follows:

  • Right to revoke your consent and ask us not to process your data.
  • Right of access to the information we have about you, specifying the purposes of the processing we carry out and the communications we have made to third administrations and companies, either because they are authorized by law or because they are necessary for the provision of the service you have requested, or because you have given your consent.
  • Right of rectification of your data, by which we will update and update the information and data we have according to the information you provide us.
  • The right to the deletion of your data, once the legal retention periods established by the applicable regulations have been met.
  • The right to object to our processing of your data by revoking your authorization/consent.
  • The right to limit the processing of your data, such as if you file a complaint or if you want us to keep your data for a longer period of time, preventing their deletion.
  • Right to the portability of your data, whereby we will provide you in a common readable file format with the data you have provided to us at the time of your registration as a user.

In addition, we inform you that you can always go to the Spanish Data Protection Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency, to request its protection or file a complaint in relation to the processing of personal data.

Privacy Officer

At any time you can request, free of charge, either by letter or email, the exercise of your rights, and you must include in your request a photocopy of your DNI/NIE/Passport, since this is a very personal right.

Your requests should be sent to our Privacy Officer at the following address:


Tribeca Business Campus, Carretera de Fuencarral 44. Building 9, L-18. C.P. 28108 – Alcobendas.

email: [email protected]

You can contact us in any way to communicate with us.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

From time to time we may modify or adapt our Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy. Modifications will be communicated to our users.

How long will we keep your personal data?

Personal data will be kept for as long as you remain associated with us. Once you unsubscribe, the personal data processed for each purpose will be kept for the legally stipulated periods, including the period in which a judge or court may require them in accordance with the statute of limitations for legal actions. The data processed will be kept until the expiration of the aforementioned legal terms, if there is a legal obligation to maintain them, or if there is no such legal term, until the interested party requests their deletion or revokes the consent given. We will keep all the information and communications related to your purchase or to the provision of our service, while the guarantees of the products or services last, to attend possible claims. For each treatment or type of data, we provide you with a specific period, which you can consult in the following table.